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CLAN (Beast)







Vodrith Forest.


Memwald Forest

Taueluer Wood

The bear are by far the largest of the Clans; however, they tend to live in loose groups as opposed to the close-knit communities of the other clans. When compared to Elves from other clan's, members of the Bear appear somewhat less intelligent. Once motivated however, the Bear lose their shroud of selfishness. They are courageous fighters who are not afraid to charge into battle before all others and remain there until the bitter end.

ROLE-PLAY TIPS: Try to appear a touch unconcerned about mundane things, however, once motivated pursue results diligently. Be prepared to pursue a fight to the end.



Yggoch woods


Gaer-Leddh Forest and Mountains.

The Eagle are a valiant and proud people, proud of their heritage and their abilities. They remain somewhat aloof from the other clans. They are not often the first to charge into battle but when they do it is invariably for the kill.

ROLE-PLAY TIPS: Appear haughty and proud although slightly less so when dealing with other Elves. Gauge a fight first then strike fast and hard.



Vaddrach Woods


Emmyrs Wood

Aimed Wood

The Elk are the most withdrawn and secretive of the Clans. They much prefer the shadows of the forest than open areas, where they live in large groups. They hold the other clans in high regard, especially the Wolf. The Elk are by far the most approachable of the Clans; this is due to their love of peace and platitude. However, this does not preclude the use of force to protect oneself; the Clan or friends.

ROLE-PLAY TIPS: Try to be wary and alert, but once trust has been gained be friendly and open. Do not lose the subtle air of wild mystery. Do not launch into a fight unless it is a matter of survival, either for yourself or those that you hold dear.


Panthera Leo

Nemrath Forest


Rovak woods

The Lion live in large close built communities in the high mountain reaches of Chamwaedd. They are feared and respected by their enemies, as they are deadly fighters and extremely adept hunters. Once a target is found the hunt will not cease until the hunted is dead. If the hunters fall, new hunters will take over the search. In all they do the Lion are relentless, any obstacle can and will be overcome. They all have a distinct distrust of strangers.

ROLE-PLAY TIP: The Elves of the Lion are short tempered and quick to react. Be proud and do not suffer fools gladly. Distrustful of anyone except Clan members though with some leeway extended to other Clans. Pursue tasks relentlessly and enjoy a challenge.



Caiggyl Forest


Voddrith Forest

Memwald Forest

Vaed Wood

The Wolf is split into small very close communities. Each member supports the others of the group or 'pack'; each has a specific purpose. The warriors of the Wolf are adept at moving through forest terrain with great speed and stealth and are very skilled trackers. In nature they are wary and distrustful of strangers, relying on their own abilities rather than those of non-clan members. In combat they go for the weakest link or most viable target, attacking as one.

ROLE-PLAY TIPS: Standoffish and wary. Try to employ cunning to achieve results. Study a fight and choose a target warily using wearing tactics to slow opponents down before moving to kill. If another Wolf member is in the party treat him or her as if they were family.
