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NISSK – The Lizardman God of Darkness, Cold and Magic

Status:  2nd Generation Elder God

Level:  5000

Avatar:  Aarint

The cult of Nissk is the largest cult in the Lizardmen pantheon. Nissk is portrayed as a 3 eyed snake/dragon crossbreed, jet black in colour with ebony black eyes.  Its body is that of a boa constrictor and its head that of a dragon.

Nissk is the life mate of Sshlikk and the father of Kisschk. Nissk is a nighttime deity. Legend says that Nissk is the son of Astaroth (Nolon) and he emerged from the forehead of the formidable Daemon lord Djhut; whom Astaroth had succeeded in impregnating with his seed by tricking Her (it) into swallowing it when it was wrapped in a Dwarven corpse.

Nissk is the Lizardman deity of wisdom and magic and is connected with everything that has to do with intellectual pursuits in both the arts and the sciences. He is also the creature credited with teaching the first Lizardman their Hieroglyphic writing called Mdw-n’tur (Common. ‘The words of God).

Nissk also loves the void and its incredible cold and darkness. He spends most of his time roaming here when he can escape the bindings of Ome-te Llest and Bifrost.

Nissk is credited with one deed of concern within the godly pantheon, it was Nissk who made Taoune aware of Balial’s love of the undead and seduced her in the form of a deceased human. He did this with the use of the most evil of dark magics before letting Taoune know of her love for death. It is said that the seed of Nissk still lies dormant in Balius’ womb waiting for the time when he can over throw Taoune and take his position in the pantheon


A Dragons head


Priests of Nissk are independent persons and rarely gather together. They prefer their own company in solitude. This means that worship has become a rather personal affair. Those more sociable of the order usually end up joining the Sukthiss cult of Sshlikk, were they aid her followers for their own purposes.


None, although individual priests may have their own personal shrine.




Nissk priests hate all followers of Mirkos and Taoune.

They have friendly relations with the cult of Pharastus.


Any Lizardman may join the cult. Other race followers must undertake a rigorous religious trial before Nissk will grant them his favour.



Miracle casting for priests of Nissk is somewhat different to that of the normal priest. They still have to buy levels/Theology in exactly the same way as normal priests but the major difference is that priests of Nissk do not only use cards they also utalise unique Sä ‘Magic’ scrolls.

Priests of Nissk get the normal standard miracles that a priest would gain enchanting their cards as normal. They are also allowed to choose a single elemental realm of magic (usually darkness). Once chosen this can not be changed. The priest will then get all the spells of their chosen elemental realm of their respective level in magic (I.e. a Level three Nissk priest can cast his chosen realms magic spells up to Level Three). To cast these spell miracles the priest needs to create a ‘Sä scroll’.

To enchant any given ‘Scroll’ the priest must draw Nissk’s symbol at the top of the page then they must write out word for word the spell vocals (exactly as per the spell in the Magic Rules). They will then enchant the scroll as normal transferring their Sä into the spell. The cost for this is the spells level in Sä points to enchant.

To cast the miracle the priest would then read aloud the vocals from the scroll, the effect would be exactly the same as the Magic Spell effect. (NB: - these spells can not be ‘manipulated’ in anyway)

These scrolls are treated in exactly the same way as a Sä card with respect to loosing, destroying etc. The scrolls are not magical in anyway. What is happening, is in effect Nissk is casting the spell on behalf of the priest utilising her Sä instead of magic points. However the miracles effects are magical. Thus a detect magic on the scroll would show ‘no magic’ but should the spell be cast at a victim utilising a magic mirror the miracle would be bounced back onto the caster as though it were a normal spell.

Should a level for effect be needed for the casting, the spells are cast at the priest’s level (not Nissk’s!).